
Mijn foto
IDE student at TU Delft - love being busy

vrijdag 22 juli 2011

Blue it is!

Tonight I'm leaving Holland for Spain!! going to Gran Canaria! not the first time, but can't remember something from that holiday because I wore pampers haha!!

Now It's way to autumnish here, so therefore I'm happy I can go on a two week trip to a nice warm Island!


woensdag 13 juli 2011

Antwerp shopping!

Scored some nice things in Antwerp!

 Wearing the pants from my last blogpost! with some birkies and a short top from the H&M. Grabbed a 'vacation' bag because this Oilily bag is huge and handy!

Never heard the name Pull and Bear before! this tunic is so cute! a little big but with a little belt just perfect :) Also bought 3 SpongebobSquarepants shirts for Karim! he loves them :)



Went shopping with my sweetheart last thursday, and scored some cute things!

Also wore the other new things a few days ago! And I use this little black way too much! haha love it! On the last picture I have another little bag, because I switched shoes from black to brown!


zaterdag 9 juli 2011

A wedding!

 Wore my cute little strapless pink with lace dress! There will be some nicer pictures of the wedding, because i was not the photographer! haha! The wedding was yesterday, so they will come :) My hair looked some orange, but that is my true color when I am in the sun <3 love it! Ymkje called it something like Strawberry brown? I never heard it before, but now I know!

This was my outfit to my nephews wedding! He is the first one who marries of all my nieces and nephews! was nice to be there with a part of the family! 

Sorry I am in a really hyperactive happy mood!
 Now have to put the little duck inside!


Tourists in Breda

Did you know that the name of the City is formed because its location?
Breda is from the Breede Aa, the Aa is a river next to Breda and Breede means in english the width. so the city next to the big river Aa = Breda :P haha, knew it for a long time. but never said it before to someone else than my mom.


Messy room

A long time ago i promised to post some pictures of my room, never did, so here they are! 
I have an extra clothing rack under my bed because my other clothes are in another room and those closets are really full.

The next picture is my self painted white chair :)

the new old scarves :P



Tuesday it was I believe, Yvonne and I went shopping in Breda! Only for a few hours, but I did scored some cute basics. I really needed some basic tops for the summer, and got them! Also some nice things found on sale J always ok! Put on some random stuff and took a pic!

Bikinitop €5
Bikinipants €5
Skirt €3
Copper long top €9.95
Pink top €9.95
Beige top €4.95
White top €4.95
Socks €3
All H&M

Shoes €49.95 Sascha’s
And the scarf is not new, got it a day before in a second hand store! For only €2

Love the picture where Karim is trying to hide from me! Hahaha he is so cute!
 The bikini has a little ribbon on the back of the pants and in front of the top! CUTE!


dinsdag 5 juli 2011

Hard to choose

I have a old blouse, and I think it's boring. but i have so many buttons so I tried something out! first I couldn't choose between the burrons and how many!

I tried floral buttons, matte buttons pink and pink buttons with a gold edge.
Finally i choose the three matte pink buttons!

Love this blouse!


vrijdag 1 juli 2011

Scored some new bags!

Last time i scored a real Bagsac bag! i love it! the shape of this bag is like the Daniel-ray bag and is really not from now but years back * vintage* !! :)
the little black one is the one i'm sure gonna keep! like many others! but i also put some online for sale!


All centroids

Yesterday we had the 'construeren' test. the test was about integrals and stress/shear/torsion and moment of inertia.. Oh I really had it with that course! I hope my grade will be ok :)..
Because we are busy with the moment of inertia I wanted to put on a DOTTED top!
all centroids AAH I GO MADDDD , or i already am...

haha love the pants :)
My dear boyfriend first called it a 60ties pants.. but when I put on a weird face he called it a 70ties one.. again the face.. so 80ties and eventually 90ties pants :P he went mad and called it a way to high pants hahahha

love him


Last day at the university!!!!

Today we had our last test of the first year! I hope we passed it all!
Everyone was happy after the test because we have summer break!!

nice nice, had a great year
